WELCOME to our new Committee who were elected at last night's AGM.
★ President : Kath Anich
★ Vice President : Jill Bickford
★ Treasurer : Colin Musson
★ Committee Member : Renata Musson, Mark Colbridge
Our streamlined SECRETARY role is vacant and the Committee is taking nominations for this vital role.
Would you like to contribute your expertise to our wonderful community organisation?
We welcome all applications via email
We would like to extend deep gratitude and appreciation to our outgoing President Ed Green and our Treasurer Philip for your valued long term contribution to LIPS .
The lovely Low Isles image was captured by the crew at Calypso Reef Cruises whose logistical and corporate support for LIPS is nothing less than OUTSTANDING! Thank you!
Low Isles. Credit/ Calypso Reef Cruises